Monday, October 24, 2011

Happy Halloween

I've been getting my craft on big time lately. Between Hope You Can Cling To (I'll show you those cards starting tomorrow) and getting ready for the Halloween party Sunday things have been hopping here.

As I said we had a really fun party here yesterday. The kids frosted sugar cookies, danced, crafted, played outside and ran around and had fun. The parents got to catch up and laugh and enjoy a beautiful evening.

I set up one counter with all the treats. I made the good old stand by punch of ginger ale and rainbow sherbet. So simple and so yummy. I also had frosted sugar cookies and cupcakes (brown sugar pound cake and chocolate butter cream) and the mummy juice boxes ready for the kids and grown up kids too :-)

The kids had mustaches on sticks to use as disguises. I stamped them in Old Olive, Concord Crush, Early Espresso and Black. These were a real hit. Super easy and super silly and fun.

We had great fun playing, making colored macaroni necklaces and tossing bean bags into a Halloween themed board my wonderful husband made.

1 comment:

Lydia Fiedler said...

You are such a freaking rockstar!! This is awesome!!!